
Minesweeper Angular

An implementation of the Minesweeper game built using Angular 16.

The idea is to make it look and feel like the gameplay from Windows 98 with added options for multiplayer games and storing games and ranks.


Game Screen

About the project

Design and Technologies:

There are two options for webpack config. webpack.dev.config.ts (Development) and webpack.config.ts (Production).


Running Locally

  1. Install dependencies using yarn install
  2. Run dev server using the command (it will start by default on port 4200 http://localhost:4200/):

    yarn start

Unit tests

  1. Run the command yarn test
  2. You should see the results of the test and Karma will open a browser with the results
Unit Tests Example

Coverage Report

  1. Run yarn test:report
  2. The results will be shown on the console and the report will be generated on ./coverage/minesweeper-angular/. You can open the index.html file on that folder to see the results
Test Coverage Example


Run yarn build to make the production build. The output path will be on the folder dist\minesweeper-angular.

NOTE: The build setup can be overwritten using webpack by modifying the webpack.config.ts file.

You can run yarn watch to make a development build and watch for code changes.

You can also run yarn build:dev to make the development build.

NOTE: To customize the dev build you can modify the webpack.dev.config.ts file.


Run yarn lint to run the linter.

Lint Result Example

You can change the lint specs on the ./.eslintrc.json file.